Port of Genoa: useful information

Passenger Port MOBY and Tirrenia

address: c/o Terminal Traghetti - P.le dei Traghetti Iqbal Masih 5 16126 Genova 

Ticket office contacts  MOBY (MOBY and Tirrenia)
Tel: 0039 010 2698201
E-mail: genova.porto@moby.it  /  passeggeri.genova@tirrenia.it

Arrive at port: Exit Genoa Ovest, proceed to Porto, Terminal Traghetti and MOBY
Port entrance: Varco Albertazzi.
Check-in: Electronic check-in at the dock.

Remember to arrive for embarkation at least 30 minutes before departure if you are without a vehicle or two hours before departure if you have a vehicle.

For departures from Genoa you may access the embarkation point from Varco Albertazzi only in the six hours before departure time and only a few have travel documents. Because of new embarkation procedures in the port of Genoa, please arrive in the port in plenty of time to avoid delays or other problems.

All passengers, including MINORS, must arrive for boarding with a valid identity document.

NOTE: If you are travelling to France, we recommend that you carefully consult the regulations adopted by the European Community, which establish measures for the non-commercial transport of pets (dogs, cats and ferrets). Read More

Security Check

We inform you that in addition to existing criminal law on weapons, you must not introduce into the security area knives of any kind or size, bows, crossbows, spear guns, hatchets, scissors, bradawls, martial arts sporting equipment and any other instrument that could be used as an improper weapon.


Carrier MOBY
Time to arrive at the port

2h with vehicle
30 min without vehicle

Time to arrive at the port

2h with vehicle
30 min without vehicle

Prepare for boarding

Three things to know before departure

Read more

Routes for Sardinia and Corsica

Travel with MOBY and Tirrenia

Price per person one way. The tarif applicated varies depending on date and time of departure as well as the load of the ship. The tarif is valid only for the indicated port of destination.